Typically, an EICR is performed every five years on homes that are privately owned. However, if you are moving into a new property or are selling your home, it is common practice to have an EICR carried out.
However, there may be an exception to this rule. If you have had a very short stay in a property. For example, if you are selling a home that has had an EICR carried out within the last six months, this certificate may still be valid for the new owners. Of course, this is something that should be discussed between the parties involved.
Furthermore, you should keep in mind that if your home has a swimming pool, the recommended time between each EICR drastically changes from five years to once every year. This also applies to any commercial properties that feature a swimming pool.
With all of this in mind, there is never a wrong time to book an EICR. If you ever suspect that there is a problem or if you notice some old wiring or equipment within your installation, it is always a good idea to contact an electrician and have a check done, even if it has only been a little while since your last test. You can never be too careful.
If you own a business, then it is also recommended that an EICR is carried out at least every five years. However, when thinking about industrial premises, this timeframe is shortened with an EICR being required at least once every three years.
Read more in our next article, “Do Landlords Need An EICR?” or click below to book an EICR or to request a quote: