When you purchase your electrical vehicle, you will also be supplied with a three-pin mains plug. These are great for completing some of your charges but manufacturers have not been backwards in coming forwards about the potential stress these could put on your power sockets. Normal household power points are not designed to handle this kind of use and allowing them to deteriorate could be dangerous.
When you use a regular power outlet to charge your EV, the charging process is going to take vastly longer than it would when using a properly installed EV charging station. This method is known to be able to charge twice as quickly and you won’t be putting your socket under any unnecessary pressure.
With all of this extra electricity required to charge our electric vehicles, our next article addresses the topic, ‘Finding the right energy supplier.’
MJP Electrical can now fit home charging stations for your all-electric or plug-in hybrid car at your home. What does this mean to you?
- More convenient
- Future proofed
- Faster charging
- Expert installation
- 3 Year OLEV enabled Charging Point Manufacturer warranty
- Government grant towards the cost